Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Activities for Old Age and the Quest to Continue the Bloodline

The thing about men getting older is that they look better... more character. keeping fit certainly does help. Amit has been spending his days as an old man enjoying the simple things in life.

Maybe he should be spending more time with his boys... They're drinking before school starts. The Rojos are getting stranger every day. I think it has something to do with wealth. I'm scared to see what kind of bad behavior future generations will have.

Amit has a guitar level skill of 9. He's less than a skill point away from achieving his lifetime wish!!

And Ariel has kept busy at the station. Who knew that working on a toilet was part of becoming a Firefighter Superhero?

Luna is following in the footsteps of her father and spending a lot of time meditating. She has little to stress about these days and retirement has been nice.

Anthony and Caryn are still seeing each other. She's grown up to be a very classy looking young lady.

She's been helping him with homework, since they can't do other things...

Speaking of "other things"... what on earth?!?

BUSTED! I was starting to think Amit Jr. was a lost cause, and it turns out he's been getting NAKED in the movie theatre? Teenagers and their hormones... Luna and Amit should start keeping an eye on their children.

She is a pretty girl though... they would make cute babies, and they look right together. This is Erika Grisby-Andrew, of no relation to Laurel or Tameka Grisby. 

And look who had his birthday! It' Darian Nowak. Amit seems to like him alright... Wedding bells soon i hope :)

Looks like they're missed each other


Lilith and Gustave's little girl Jamie aged to toddler. She looks like her dad too.

And this little guy is Cesar Rojo. I had to remove Awesomemod and he came out of nowhere. He's also Lilith and Gustave's. I don't know if he's Jamie's twin or younger than her. I like the names in this family... seems very rock and roll. I don't kno what up with his nose... he'll probably end up looking a lot like his mother in the face.

This is Rizzo Shlitzbergen. She's a sim I created to check out Late Night with. I've had a lot of trouble with late night. My game is running super slow and there is never anybody out in public. So far she's a level 4 celebrity but i haven't really noticed anything good about it. I'm waiting for awesomemod to be updated to work with late night and it should improve my game a lot.. but until then i'm just fiddling around. One thing i've noticed about celebrities... they're always bored... random fact: there's a photographer at starbucks taking a picture of some ladies and i'm in the background currently with no makeup on simblogging... hee hee. anyways even if your sims is best friends with them they don't have a good time. and it takes a long time to get up and down the elevators, so if you start super early you might get to have one drink at a bar before closing. I am excited about mixology though. I might end up moving Katalina Craft over to Bridgeport, since she's getting a little bored with Twinbrook's men. Keepin it Classy with Katalina Craft


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A Trip to France, Young Love, and Other Topics of Importance

HELLO EVERYBODY!! It's been a minute, hasn't it? Unfortunately I haven't had much time to sim it up lately, and I still have too slow of an internet connection at home to update when I do. But i've been keeping up with everybody else's blogs. Speaking of which, Kaleeko seems to have gone MIA. Kaleeko, can you hear me? Send me a sign. I need my desperate sims fix! I'll get started with a few birthdays.

Rojo Family Birthdays

Leesha and Dimitri's twins, Sarah (below) and Jeana have aged up to children. Sarah's skin is still as bright as ever.

     I think Jeana's complexion, hair and eyes go together well. She's going to have her mother's nose.

Dimitri Jr. and Starla's little girl, Sheila, aged up to toddler. She got her mother's hair and her father's nose.

Lilith and Gustave's boy, Gustave Jr., has aged up to child. So far he's the only sim i've come across that can pull of that hair. He looks a lot like his father.

French Family Vacation

I sent the Rojo's on a family vacation (MOOOOO-OOOM do we HAVE to?) to France, so they could spend some more quality time together. I don't understand how they can't find the time at home, when none of them have jobs, but they're always busy doing their own thing. The nectary is where they spent most of their time there. Ariel and Luna bonded well over wine. Ahhh nectar, so good for things like this.

Anthony might have gone a little overboard with the nectar.

Amit and Anthony spent a little time together at first.

But then Anthony went off adventuring. He's trying to up his visa level. I think ignoring loved ones to work towards your lifetime wish runs in the family.

But who can blame him for wanting to soak up this scenery. Such a pretty little spot he found.

The rest of the family spent a lot of time together though, and now they're all best friends.

Love is in the Air

I thought that once i got them home, it wouldn't be hard to improve Anthony's relationship with his parents, since it was the weekend. I was wrong. He improved his relationship with somebody all right. This is Caryn Crosby. So far I know that she's Absent-Minded (like Anthony), Adventurous (which is perfect for his lifetime with to be a Seasoned Traveler) and a Heavy Sleeper. Could it be a match made in heaven? I wonder what her 4th trait is... who would of ever thought that Over Emotional, Absent-Minded, Neurotic Anthony would meet a girl?

They met on her front porch. Amit Jr met her first, and found out she was Absent-Minded and Adventurous so i sent Anthony right over.

They went out on a real date (Anthony just got a car, and its a babe magnet)

They made it official in the backyard. I really was worried about finding him a spouse one day, but now i'm not. The only problem so far is that she aged up with Ariel (which makes her about 7 sim days older than him.)

He took her out to dinner to the Bistro (which was free since the Rojo's own it). Amit was there playing for tips. And that's Amit Jr. with Ladonna Moore. I tried to set them up but she wasn't interested at all.

Around the House

Luna's been spending a lot of her time relaxing outdoors. That's a big fish!

The ghosts spend a lot of time together.

I don't know what happened to make Marty and Dimitri so mad at each other. Could of been something that Hot-Headed Marty said.

But they immediately made up so it's okay :)

It rarely happens, but its nice when most of the family is in the same room. here we have all the kids hanging out with most of the ghosts.

Wu called and asked to borrow a tomato, and since then her and Amit have gotten to be friends. 

Luna has been trying to have a relationship with Leesha but nothing much has happened.

Ariel walked over to Lilith and Gustave's to meet their new baby girl. It's their second child.

Welcome to Riverview, Jamie Rojo!

And last but not least, Amit aged to Elder. The clock is ticking. Generation 3 better have some babies fast!

My game has been crashing a bit lately, and apparently i haven't been taking enough screenshots either. Ariel is a young adult now. She rolled neat and has a lifetime wish to be a firefighter superhero. Finally a chance to play the professions in ambitions! I'll probably be getting Late Night next week, which will go perfect with my other blog, Keepin it Classy with Katalina Craft. Ariel's boyfriend, Darian, is still a teenager so no marraige or babies yet, but i can't wait. and Anthony's girlfriend, Caryn, has aged up to young adult so hopefully she waits for him. Amit Jr. met a very pretty girl at the museum, but then my game crashed so technically i guess he didn't. He also has gotten a lifetime wish: Perfect Mind, Perfect Body. Shouldn't be too hard b/c he already has some athletic and logic skill, and i can use his very athletic parents to train him. I wish i didn't have to go so long between updates. I feel like the more time that passes between updates or actually getting to play the game, the harder it is to make an actual story. But until next time...


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Out With The Old, In With The New

This little Lady is Sheila Rojo. First Daughter of Dimitri Rojo Jr. and Starla Rojo, and also the start of Generation 4! We're almost halfway there!

Dimitri would be a proud father and grandfather if he was around. His ashes were moved into the Rojo Mausoleum, along with Amit's father (Fidel Felton, who has yet to make an appearance)...

And Laurel's sister, Tameka.

Her and Laurel are both loners, usually hanging out in bedrooms by themselves.

Mary likes to wander the house.

Anthony has been hanging out with his cousin Micheal.

He had his birthday that night.

And as a result of his akward teen phase, he rolled Over-Emotional. That's right. He's Over-Emotional, Neurotic, Absent-Minded and Loves the Outdoors. I can't get him to do anything. He's always forgetting that he's hungry, or tired, or has to use the restroom.

He has his mother's features, but looks less like a gorilla.

His cousin Noe also had a birthday. I really like Noe's appearance... He looks kind of mystical to me, and I really like his eye color. I think he got the best features of Dimitri and Leesha.

Micheal had his birthday too. He looks a lot like his mom, Sharon.

And Clayton Rojo looks like his mom, Wu, too.

Now that that's out of the way, we can get to the star of the show. It's Luna's birthday today! Amit is such a good husband, even though he's absent-minded he didn't forget! They met up for a nice dinner at the Bistro.

Amit is getting very good at guitar. He serenaded Luna with a special song for her birthday. It was a beautiful night, and everything was perfect.

Until Luna realized that she was about to be an old lady and put on her sad gorilla face.

They didn't carry her particular color of red at the store, but its better than gray.

And at least a healthy lifestyle has kept her looking young!

Her twin, Leesha, has had a very stressful adulthood and looks a little more aged.

Not the most descriptive update, I know. I'm basically posting to keep caught up. I had Luna retire so I might have them take a trip soon. So many sims to keep up with! Speaking of which, Lilith Rojo is pregnant with her 2nd child! I might throw a series of parties... like a family reunion. I'd love to get all 4 generations in one place, ghosts and all... I've also updated my family tree. I'll try to make the next post more interesting!