Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Birthday, A Wedding, and A Pregnancy

A lot has happened the past few days in the Rojo household.

Micheal made a friend at school. They've been going to each other's houses after school to play tag and do homework. They've quickly become best friends. Her name is Sharon Logsdon. Her traits are Evil, Perfectionist and Loner. They'll probably get married.

Laurel looked all over town for Marty Jr. and Bradly so she could visit them. They didn't have a home! So she invited Marty Jr. out to dinner and gave him her partnership to the Spa. I don't know why they chose to dine outside, since they both Hate the Outdoors. He and Bradly then purchased a very fashionable 1 bedroom 1.5 bath home close to town. No babies for them.

Marty has been boring lately... I feel bad about it, but i'm kind of just waiting around on him to die. I know I shouldn't since he's my founder... but he's accomplished everything he wanted to in life. So lately i've been sending him around town looking for special seeds (to buy a new house for Leesha), and he meditates for hours at a time.

So one day after Leesha got off work, it notified me she had been promoted to level 3 of Science. So I went over to go check on her, and there was a handsome man outside of her work. Why wasn't she trying to meet him? Of course I stepped in. His name is Dimitri Ivanov. His traits are Technophobe, Brave, Slob, Virtuoso, and Neurotic. He likes Electronica, Pancakes, and the color Turquoise. They started talking and things were going super well super fast. So I got them married right then and there. She's not getting any younger.
And apparently neither is he! 4 DAYS TILL HE'S AN ELDER?!? She's barely a Young Adult... Oh Lawd... these 2 need to start making babies before he keels over.
With her nose and ears and skin, His eyes, lips and hair, they could have some ugly babies. Lets hope it works out exactly the opposite.

So how's the heir doing? You must be wondering. Still no romance in Luna's life. She's been working a lot, trying to become an International Super Spy. She's a traffic cop at the moment.

She needs to find a man that loves a woman in uniform.

Micheal had his birthday!
I picked Charismatic as his trait. I'm forseeing a career in Professional Sports.

Then the next morning over a delicious Cherry Pancake breakfast, Leesha started to show! I hope she has twins. I hope Marty can meet his first official (since Mathew's aren't showing up as related) grandchildren before his time comes.

Things are about to get hectic again. Babies make people busy. But that's why Marty has been seed collecting, so he can buy a house for Leesha, Dimitri, and Baby(s?) Rojo.

And i'll leave you with this shot of Dimitri PEEING HIS PANTS RIGHT BEFORE HIS WEDDING.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great. I can comment now.
Once I learn who everyone is, I'll be able to keep up better.
I get bored with them after they age to elder too. By then I've usually done everything I want to do with them and don't want to play them anymore.
You never know. Leesha and Dimitri may have some great kids and those two aren't really ugly.
LOL at that last pic. What a way to start your marriage; soggy pants.