Friday, February 18, 2011

Starting Over

Since it will probably be awhile before my computer with my sims game on it is fixed, i've consolidated my sims blogs into one and im changing it from a sims only blog to a blog of everything i like! so there will be a lot of different kinds of posts.... and to start it off is a video of me and my roomate fire hooping. (oh i hula hoop with fire by the way...) i'm the first one and my roomate is the one doing all the cool stuff, ha.


Unknown said...

Gah! I didn't see that you made this! I somehow missed this.

Sucks to hear your computer is that messed up, but, I'm glad we'll still be able to see some updates from youu.

Also, this video is totally freaking wicked. That looks like soooo much fun!

Unknown said...

Oh! I see now. You just changed up the Rojo Legacy blog--haha, I totally didn't even recognize it!

I'll change the link addy in my feed reader so I don't miss updates. :) Hope everything's going spiffy for ya Raisin!