Thursday, May 27, 2010


Most of the Rojo's are really busy during the week, so everybody minds their own business and stays pretty productive. By the time the weekend rolls around, they could really use some fun and social interaction with eachother. I decided to throw them a pool party!
Leesha, Micheal and Lilith enjoying a nice picnic.

I invited Tatiana Ivanov (Dimitri's older sister, in blue). She brought her boyfriend Jarvis (also in blue). The girl with black hair is Leslie Driscoll, one of Leesha and Luna's old highschool friends.

Bradly (Marty Rojo Jr.'s husband) is in white. The little girl is Micheal's best friend Sharon. I wish she would have her birthday so they could be boyfriend and girlfriend...
Marty Rojo Jr., Mathew Rojo and his wife Wu were also in attendance, but must have left early because I couldn't find them to take their photo.

Tameka Grisby (Laurel's sister) showed up, but not in the requested swimwear. Probably because she's Insane... no seriously. And on the left is one of Mathew Rojo's kids. I forget his name... it' 2 words though.

The Rojo girls had a lot of fun in the sprinkler. I think Leesha looks adorable all preggy in her swimsuit... I wish she was wearing a bikini.

Laurel and Micheal enjoyed some Juice. Way to set an example to your teenager.
Dimitri also enjoyed some Juice. Micheal was a little tipsy and tried to talk to him about his new job at the grocery store, but I don't think Dimitri wanted to hear it. Dimitri is a strange dude. (Side note: He is now employed in the Military).
 But so far he seems to be a good husband and future father. I wish he wasn't so old though.

Leesha rolled a want to question the other Rojo boy. So she went to his house, where his parents were no longer living. (His parents are her brother, Mathew, and his wife Wu). Those Chinese Rojo kids are strange. Why are they staring like that? The girl on the left is Dan Dan. The girl on the right is Peijing. The boy is an Artistic Couch Potato, and also a Bookworm. I've decided that when Wu Rojo was pregnant, Marty Sr. HAD to have used his Mad Scientist ray gun to turn her babies into robots, which is why they were born as children and aren't aknowledged as related to anyone. I mean look at those blank robotic stares.

Marty is 95 days old. Still kicking. He wanted to WooHoo with his wife... seemed reasonable. So I had her try and for some reason he denied? Just die already. Both of you.

But really, you can, because you've seen your first official grandchild, and the START OF THE 3RD GENERATION: Dimitri Rojo Jr. He has his dad's skin.

I wonder if he'll inherit any of his father's strange habits. He rolled Hates the Outdoors and Genius Good (I knew it started with a G) . And i'll leave you with another photo of Dimitri making a total fool of himself... he's good at that.


Dee said...

LOL, this was funny. "Just die already."

Yep, I would say she is insane. :)

Great update.

Anonymous said...

Haha! The last pic is great. Slobs are so much fun.

Poor Marty was denied woohoo. Well, at that age, the wife just wanted a good night's rest.

The pregnant sims look so cute in their bathing suits.

Having the sprinkler out for the party was a great idea. I think it's hilarious that it's all female sims who are playing in it. Like moths to the flame!