Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Leesha Rojo's New Arrivals

This is going to be a very short post, just wanted to get a few new pics up. I just got Ambitions and had some trouble after the install... my game wouldn't start up. It works now but I still haven't gotten my CC to work, and it's hard for me to play without Awesomemod. But I went in and set Amit up as a self-employed painter. So he can still be a stay at home dad and work towards his lifetime wish without other sims thinking he's unemployed.

I sent Luna next door to her sister Leesha's house. Remember we found out that Leesha was pregnant right after Dimitri died?

Well she had the babie....s! Twin girls!!!! Yay! I almost wish i would've had Leesha be the heir, because she's done an excellent job of passing down the red hair and pink skin. But at least I don't have to worry about that Grisby nose anymore.

This is Jeana.

And this is Sara. Holy pink skin!

Now I need to update my family tree... again... I might wait until Clayton or Micheal have their birthdays to children. Gustave Jr. had his toddler birthday, but my mods weren't working so I couldn't get him in CAS without changing the active household (and that's a legacy no-no.)

I'm thinking about making a new blog associated with Twinbrook. But I have a feeling i'll accidentally give up on my legacy if I do... decisions decisions... I might have to make a different Marty.. I'm thinking Marty Maraschino.. as in Cherry... Grease... Anyone? Maybe give her some red highlights... then I could keep my blog name except I wouldn't have to pretend to be a boy anymore, lol. 

Friday, July 16, 2010

Family Vacation

Luna Rojo here. I've been thinking about how my mom is always talking about how she wishes she traveled. I've done a little traveling myself, but Amit hasn't and neither have the kids. So know that it's just us in the house, and Anthony just had his big boy birthday, I planned a vacation. I decided we should go to China, since I knew the area. Plus it's been too long since i've practiced the Martial Arts. The family needed this vacation. Everyone has been so busy with work, school, taking care of babies, and skill building that we never have the time to spend with each other. It really is a shame, it's not that I don't like my family.. it's just that I really haven't had the time to get to know them. Me and Amit's marriage has been "working", but not romantic. And besides that, no one in the house even had a relationship with each other. So let me tell you how it went.


I had already told everyone on the way here that this vacation was about us spending time with each other. Anthony and Ariel made the first effort make nice.... sort of.

They spent the first day of the trip playing tag.. but it was more like "see how long Ariel can outrun Anthony."

Amit spent the first day helping some old women in town with a telescope. They were pretty needy so it took up his whole day.

I took Amit Jr. for a ride to see the Lost Army.

The car ride there was uneventful. It's hard to make conversation when you don't really know a person... especially when that person is grumpy.

Just look at that face! Kids these days.

It was here that I informed Amit Jr. that I had chosen him as the heir. I didn't find out I was the heir until I was a young adult, but my father had 6 children to choose from, so he naturally needed more time. Plus Amit Jr. is the only one of the kids with red hair.

His response was "Okay mom, whatever." I'm glad he's taking this so seriously...

With business taken care of, I spent the rest of the first day practicing Sim Fu at the Academy. I haven't been there since I was a teenager. It was so nice to be in this environment.


Me and Amit started our day by playing catch in our underwear. It was so fun! Amit and I both share a passion for athletic activity, so it was nice to connect over football.

He looks so intense! Kind of makes me hot... beautiful hunk of man, beautiful scenery... Life is good.

While we played catch, Ariel and Amit Jr. spent some time getting to know each other. I don't know why it's taken us all this long to make the effort to have a relationship.

We all spent the rest of day 2 picnicing at base camp. The whole family has never eaten a meal all together until now! It's one of the best memories of my life so far.


Poor Anthony. Being the youngest can be hard sometimes. It's nice that the boys are spending time together, but I'm not sure he's ever going to be the one in tag that's not "it."

As for Amit and I... we spent the whole entire last day of the trip bringing the romance back into our relationship. We never had a honeymoon, and this trip was the closest thing we'll get to one. Look at him, isn't he gorgeous?

Who can resist those pretty blue eyes? Not me. He sure does know my weakness.

Ooh Babeh

We both went to bed the happiest we've been in a long time, and more in love than ever before.

Ariel spent her whole last day collecting seeds and fishing. She sure does like being outside. I can't blame her.  The scenery here is breathtaking.

So all in all it was a GREAT trip. The kids have finally become good friends, even best friends. Amit and I are inseparable. Amit Jr. knows what's expected of him as the 3rd generation heir. And probably best of all, Anthony decided what he wants to do with his life! He's the youngest, and he's figured it out before the other two kids. He wants to travel the world.

I'm already planning our next trip. I'm thinking Egypt. Amit and I just need to strengthen our bond with the children, and our family will finally be close! Me and my siblings never really got to experience that, with each other nor with our parents. And hey, if that gives us a reason to travel, so be it. ;)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Hello's and Goodbye's

Friday evening Luna took Anthony over to Marty Jr's house. But before she could step inside to visit, her work pager went off. She was needed at the station to look over some new evidence.

The night air was unusually chilly as she walked back down the street to put Anthony to bed. But it was a beautiful night as well. A perfect night to...

Rummage through her brother Micheal's trash on the way home from work. Sharon had passed on her evil ways to Micheal Jr. and Luna didn't like that one bit. She knew if her father was still alive, he would have never let Micheal marry that evil woman. Plus if she could dig up some good dirt on Sharon, it might get her that promotion at the station. As soon as she found something good, she realized there was someone else outside. What was Micheal doing feeding Micheal Jr. in the front yard at 2:30 in the morning? He hadn't even seen her. Strange.

The next day the Rojo men ate breakfast and stared off into space as usual. Of all the trait, I think absent-minded is my least favorite. Thank goodness Amit Jr. isn't that way...
Ariel and Anthony spent their Saturday playing with blocks. No one in the family is handy so it's a good thing Ariel is getting some early training. It's her last day of being a kid. Looks like she's enjoying it.

I sent Lilith to the hospital to play guitar for tips. Maybe she could brighten someone's day. She ran into her big sister Leesha there. The Rojo's aren't close at all so Leesha had no idea that Lilith was pregnant.

"Hey... I recognize that outfit... red pants and a purple and black shirt? That's the hottest look for maternity right now... if I had to guess I'd say you had another bun in the oven yourself, Leesha."
"You guessed right."

Meanwhile, I had sent Gustave to the theatre to play for tips. Once the baby came along, him and Lilith needed to move out. He seems to have a fan club of kids.

That night, as expected, Ariel had her birthday.

She rolled Great Kisser.

She looks like her dad. Very pretty girl.

"Why is he just laying there in bed! Obviously there's an emergency!"

"Ohhhhh.... bad sushi..."
Hun that's not the sushi.

Welcome to Riverview Gustave Jr Rojo! He rolled Hates the Outdoors and Athletic. He has his dad's skin.

And welcome to an increasingly stranger family! That's your daddy in in the background talking to himself. And that pregnant woman passed out? That's your Auntie Leesha. Funny there's a pregnant woman passed out in front of a hospital and no one is helping her...

The happy couple isn't looking so happy. They have a new baby and everything. I wonder whats up.
"Dimitri died. That's why Leesha has been acting so strange. Her husband died and she found out they were pregnant again all in the same day. Now she's a single mom. It's hard to think about that kind of thing."

With the news of Dimitri's death, the Rojo's have been working on their dreams and goals. Life is short.

Amit is getting pretty good at guitar, his crowd is a little older than Gustave's.

No matter how hectic it might get, you have to take the time to appreciate the beauty in it.

And as usual, Births, Deaths, and growing older all occur within a day at the Rojo Residence.

And hang out in the same room at the same time.

Anthony rolled... Absent-Minded. *Face Palm* Greeeeeaaaaat.
But on a good note, He's the only one of the kid's with his mother's face.

****I've updated my family tree to the interactive version. Thanks for your help Kaleeko!****

Monday, July 5, 2010

Lilith goes to Champs Les Sims... The City of Love!

One evening after work, Lilith took a stroll through the outskirts of town, thinking.
She wanted true happiness, true love. She had almost everything a girl could want. She was doing well in her career, on the verge of being promoted to Level 6. She had a nice home, and nice things. She was surrounded by family. Pretty, talented... almost a master of the arts. She was also getting older. In just a matter of days she would have her next birthday. She wanted to settle down with her own husband, have her own kids. She was the only one of her siblings to not have either. She caught a butterfly and thought to herself: "Maybe I should fly away..."

And that's exactly what she did. To Champs Les Sims, France, to be exact. Despite the recent substantial population growth that Riverview experienced, she was having no luck meeting anybody there. She tried, hard, but everybody in Riverview was either coupled up or in hiding. Besides, it worked for her older brother, Mathew. He met Wu in China, and they have the strongest bond out of all of her siblings and their spouses. Once she got into town she gave herself another makeover. She didn't want to put off the wrong impression.. her hot pink mini skirt certainly didn't get her any proposals.

She only had 3 days to meet the man of her dreams. She started by playing guitar in the park... hoping to attract a music lover's attention. She met a fireman and a cop, but both ran off and disappeared shortly after. She gave up and ended up going door to door, asking to be invited in, asking around about single young adults.. and it worked! At the last house she visited, she was greeted at the door by Gustave Delven. It was (almost) love at first sight. That night she made several moves on him, to which he all turned down. But they still managed to become friends by the time she went back to camp. The next morning her cell rang... it was Gustave! She asked him if he'd like to go the cafe, and he agreed. Even though he had turned her down several times the night before, she kept trying. It had to work! It was the last day of her vacation.

Lilith told Gustave she would be right back, and went next door to buy a new dress. She had to wow him if she wanted what she would do next to work...

Gustave turned around just in time to have his breath taken away. There was an absolutely stunning young woman right behind him.
Gustave wasn't usually this lucky... throughout his teenage years he was usually turned down by girls... He was a bit of a nerd, always had his head in a book. Clumsy too. Anytime he tried to make a move he usually messed it up by tripping or dropping something. Sometimes he would completely forget what he was doing... so absent-minded. Even though he was very friendly, nobody seemed to want to get to know him, so he eventually just started hanging out at home on the couch, without much of a will to get up and do anything. But he had just had his birthday, he wasn't a teenager anymore, he was a young adult now. And now this beautiful older woman, this brilliant musician and artist from Riverview had fallen in his lap. He knew what he had to do. Without thinking twice about it, he took her as his wife right then and there.

And she was thrilled.

Lilith had planned this, sure, but she still couldn't believe it. After trying so hard, after all the pressure from her family, it seemed so easy, so natural now. She knew now that it all had happened for a reason. She knew why she didn't find anyone in Riverview.

As they looked into each other's eyes, Lilith wondered if maybe she had rushed in, wondered if Gustave really wanted this or if she had pressured him like her family pressured her.

She let go of him, and carefully tried to read his face.
At first, she thought she sensed worry, or regret.

But then she relaxed, took in her surroundings, and knew. It was written all over his face, he was just as happy as she was.

Later that night, they relaxed together in bed. Chatting about their past, and their future together.

Lilith knew there was only one thing that could make her any happier than she was already at that moment. And she was wearing just the right shoes to convince her husband to try for it.


*I haven't updated recently because i've been working on other parts of the blog. I've made a family tree, and changed the layout and appearance of it, so let me know what you think! I've also decided to give every generation a page with info on each sim from that generation, and how they're related. Just in case anyone gets confused as to how someone plays into the story. But those pages are still under construction.*

I've also been playing around with camera man mode, and all the different angles. I liked this shot, so i'll leave you with it. It's Amit and his youngest child, Anthony.