Friday, July 16, 2010

Family Vacation

Luna Rojo here. I've been thinking about how my mom is always talking about how she wishes she traveled. I've done a little traveling myself, but Amit hasn't and neither have the kids. So know that it's just us in the house, and Anthony just had his big boy birthday, I planned a vacation. I decided we should go to China, since I knew the area. Plus it's been too long since i've practiced the Martial Arts. The family needed this vacation. Everyone has been so busy with work, school, taking care of babies, and skill building that we never have the time to spend with each other. It really is a shame, it's not that I don't like my family.. it's just that I really haven't had the time to get to know them. Me and Amit's marriage has been "working", but not romantic. And besides that, no one in the house even had a relationship with each other. So let me tell you how it went.


I had already told everyone on the way here that this vacation was about us spending time with each other. Anthony and Ariel made the first effort make nice.... sort of.

They spent the first day of the trip playing tag.. but it was more like "see how long Ariel can outrun Anthony."

Amit spent the first day helping some old women in town with a telescope. They were pretty needy so it took up his whole day.

I took Amit Jr. for a ride to see the Lost Army.

The car ride there was uneventful. It's hard to make conversation when you don't really know a person... especially when that person is grumpy.

Just look at that face! Kids these days.

It was here that I informed Amit Jr. that I had chosen him as the heir. I didn't find out I was the heir until I was a young adult, but my father had 6 children to choose from, so he naturally needed more time. Plus Amit Jr. is the only one of the kids with red hair.

His response was "Okay mom, whatever." I'm glad he's taking this so seriously...

With business taken care of, I spent the rest of the first day practicing Sim Fu at the Academy. I haven't been there since I was a teenager. It was so nice to be in this environment.


Me and Amit started our day by playing catch in our underwear. It was so fun! Amit and I both share a passion for athletic activity, so it was nice to connect over football.

He looks so intense! Kind of makes me hot... beautiful hunk of man, beautiful scenery... Life is good.

While we played catch, Ariel and Amit Jr. spent some time getting to know each other. I don't know why it's taken us all this long to make the effort to have a relationship.

We all spent the rest of day 2 picnicing at base camp. The whole family has never eaten a meal all together until now! It's one of the best memories of my life so far.


Poor Anthony. Being the youngest can be hard sometimes. It's nice that the boys are spending time together, but I'm not sure he's ever going to be the one in tag that's not "it."

As for Amit and I... we spent the whole entire last day of the trip bringing the romance back into our relationship. We never had a honeymoon, and this trip was the closest thing we'll get to one. Look at him, isn't he gorgeous?

Who can resist those pretty blue eyes? Not me. He sure does know my weakness.

Ooh Babeh

We both went to bed the happiest we've been in a long time, and more in love than ever before.

Ariel spent her whole last day collecting seeds and fishing. She sure does like being outside. I can't blame her.  The scenery here is breathtaking.

So all in all it was a GREAT trip. The kids have finally become good friends, even best friends. Amit and I are inseparable. Amit Jr. knows what's expected of him as the 3rd generation heir. And probably best of all, Anthony decided what he wants to do with his life! He's the youngest, and he's figured it out before the other two kids. He wants to travel the world.

I'm already planning our next trip. I'm thinking Egypt. Amit and I just need to strengthen our bond with the children, and our family will finally be close! Me and my siblings never really got to experience that, with each other nor with our parents. And hey, if that gives us a reason to travel, so be it. ;)

***I've added a poll to my blog to see what my readers (all 6 of you) are interested in seeing more of, so please vote!****

I'll leave you with this HILARIOUS picture of Luna and Amit Jr. Luna is Disciplined, so she busts out random kung fu moves from time to time. This time it just so happened when she was supposed to be telling Amit Jr. that he would be the heir. I think it looks like she's presenting him.



Dee said...

Really cool update. Oh, kids and their reactions to things. So much like real life.
Sort of makes me want to gather my family together and all take a vacation together and my kids are grown.

I wouldn't worry about not having a lot of followers. It's taken me over a year to have 12. I just have fun with the ones I do have.

Raisin Hale said...

I could use a vacation in real life myself. I'm thrilled to have 6 followers, I never expected to have any. They're the best followers a girl could ask for!

Unknown said...

Hahaha!! That last screenshot is priceless. :) Especially because the look on their faces is so serious! So goofy.

I see you're having fun with cameraman mode, too. I know I have since you told me about it! It's freaking addicting, man.. I even did some more research on it to figure out how to tilt it and program positions, it's making me consider trying to do some machinima... But I've never done anything like that before, outside of frap'ing a Boss fight in an MMO.

Very cute post, too. Everybody needs a vacation now and then... I'm thinking, once Amelia becomes a child (17 more Sim days, almost theeerrre), they're all gonna pack up and head to France or something. I dunno. Which is the best family vacation location, do you think?

And like Dee said, it takes a while to build followers. Not even sure how I got my ten, outside of being all "Hai!" on other people's blogs, and putting it in my sig on the official forums. That's how I found Dee/Chrysame/PiB/MJ, from a link in one of their sig's. Everyone else was on Wordpress, and I wanted to find some people on blogspot! And I deed!

/end-ramble... ;)

Anonymous said...

The fishing at night picture is so good. Amit is a very handsome sim. I don't blame Luna for not being able to resist him. Heehee.

Marty, would you mind adding me to your email update list? That way I'll see your updates as soon as you post them. Thank you!!

Raisin Hale said...

I didn't even know anything about sims blogs until i found Life: Rebel Style. And i found it through her signature on the forums too. I really don't use the forums much myself though. I liked China for a family vacation. I think Egypt is more of a 1 or 2 sim trip, since it's more about tombs. France would probably be nice too. And Chrysame i'll add you to the list as soon as i figure out how! :)

PiB - Nicarra said...

Hey Marty - I got to be the first to use the poll! Yeah!

I think China is the best place for a family holiday. The academy tends to be a good place to send several Sims while you concentrate on one or two. And holidays are a great time for the family to get to know each other, no work or school time breaking up the family time together.

Adding to the lists - under Settings - the tab marked Email and Mobile - the top box can hold email addresses to send posts to. The tab marked Comments - the bottom box is Comment Notification Email
You can add my email address to both - I'll be more inclined to visit when I get a direct reminder to come.

Dee said...

I just realised I didn't subscribe to comments. Marty if you've figured it out will you please add me to your comment list.

I did the poll or thought I did when I commented the first time.