Tuesday, June 15, 2010

When One Door Closes, Another One Opens Pt. 1

The announcement of Luna's pregnancy brought joy to the household, but especially to Amit.

Lilith went to share the good news with the extended family. She met up with Mathew Rojo at the neighborhood pool and they did some catching up.

Meanwhile back at home, the inevitable finally happened. At 106 years old, Marty Rojo passed.

He didn't get to meet the next (possible) heir, and this is the closest he got to it.

Luna and her father were never close, but when Grim showed up she lost it. This was real, everything was up to her now. She had to carry on the legacy.

And Baby Rojo decided to show up the second that Marty left the building.

Welcome to Riverview, Ariel Rojo. Look at that beautiful rosy brown skin. :) As I promised, I stopped picking traits and started rolling them for the 3rd generation. She rolled Brave Loner. Should be interesting.

So much had happened that day. Her father died, the legacy was all hers, and to add to the stress she now had a baby girl to take care of. Luna found comfort in the arms of Amit.

Marty Rojo will forever be remembered.

You can't even tell Luna just had a baby! She practically disappears when she turns sideways.

Micheal had his birthday to Young Adult the day after his father's death. Sometimes it takes a loss to really make someone grow up.

He got a makeover. He needed to look the part of a Superstar Athlete if he was going to become one, and he wore red in remembrance of his father.

Sharon showed up for Micheal's birthday. Luna decided to question her. After all, it was Luna's job to make sure the legacy honored her father. Well Sharon didn't like that at all. How on earth did Micheal fall in love with such an evil girl?

She may not be able to choose what happens with her siblings, but Luna knew she would instill her father's values in her Ariel, and whoever else came along. Amit sure did "comfort" her alright. Amidst all the stress in her life Luna was expecting again. She'd only been the head of the house for about 2 days, and so far it had been one bumpy ride.



Di Al Martini said...

Marty Rojo's urn had been placed in beautiful place there. Micheal is handsome. Too bad that he fell in love with an evil girl like Sharon. I can see that Luna is one happy sim.

Dee said...

You did a great job on the memorial site of Marty.

I wish losing the weight was as easy in real life as it is in sims.

Michael's looking good there.

I have never been able to stick with a family long enough to do a legacy.

Dee said...

Wanna upload Michael?

Raisin Hale said...

next time i play i'll try to upload Michael. He looks just like his mom, with the big nose and ears, but he's been working on his athletic and charisma to make up for it.

PiB - Nicarra said...

Hey Marty, it's going well.

I think losing the founders is the hardest. Even though I've raised their children all the way through, there is just something special about your founder.

May he rest in peace, knowing his family grows strong.