Sunday, June 27, 2010

Birthdays and Breakfasts

Wow... Lilith... Daayyyyuuuummmmm. What's this all about?
"Luna says I need to find a man and move out."
Well how's that going?

"Hey! Hey! Look at me! It's my Birthday!"
"Omigod... it's my birthday! I don't want to get old!"
Chill Amit... You're not old yet.

"Oh hai! Goo Goooo!!! It's my birthday too daddy!"
Hmmm... I wonder what i'll look like. I wonder what trait i'll roll.

Luckily that akward lanky stage only lasts for a second in simworld.. but there still is horror. She rolled Easily Impressed. Wow... I don't like rolling traits. So far our poor Ariel is an Easily Impressed Brave Loner. These traits don't seem exciting or fun. Maybe her next two will be better. Luckily she's not the heir. But at least she's pretty.
I gave her a makeover.

Someone read in the paper that Mathew and Wu Rojo finally had their baby. A bouncing baby boy named Clayton Rojo. So I sent Luna to visit.

And then Anthony aged to toddler. Birthdays have been pretty uneventful in this house. I think the next generation will only have 2 kids so that they can have time for parties.

Laurel is telling Luna and Amit how she wishes she would've gone on a vacation while she was living. Amit doesn't think they have the cash for a vacation right now.

Nothing like eating dinner with your dead in-laws.

Birthdays and Breakfast... that's all that goes on these days. Boring.

That morning somebody across the street had a birthday too. Somebody by the name of Micheal Jr. Rojo. He has his dad's hair. That's all I can tell about him so far.

So nice to see the kids playing together. I just figured out that kids can use blocks for a head start on the handiness skill. That could be useful. I don't think it does anything for toddlers though, except let them have conversations with each other (If they've learned how to talk). Ariel was telling Amit Jr. and Anthony about her birthday, and how funny it was. Then she left to do her homework.

"OmiGooGooo Anthony I think its MY birthday!"
Anthony looks very surprised. I guess he didn't believe Amit Jr.
"Wow! Now I see why Ariel thinks birthdays are funny."
Amit Jr. rolled Genius. Which is a good trait and all... but with Grumpy and Artistic, I'm not sure i'm going to have much fun playing him. I've already had Laurel, Marty Jr., Leesha, Lilith, and Amit with artistic... and it gets kind of boring with them painting all the time. The good news is that he is also a cutie. Looks a lot like his dad in the face.

And then across the street, Clayton Rojo aged up to toddler. He got his grandpa Marty's purple eyes and his grandma Laurel's hair. From what I can tell he's going to be the spitting image of his dad, Mathew, and his older sister, Sherry.

What a surprise... talking about finances over breakfast.. again...

I haven't updated in awhile because although a lot of aging up has happened, not much else has. I've been trying to have Lilith go out and find a man so I can move her out, but she's had absolutely no luck. She's going to be an adult in 2 days, and i'd really like her to be married by then. Sigh. Luna has been busy with reports, she's only 2 levels away from reaching her lifetime wish. I might retire her after that so I can work on her relationships with her family. She has no relationship with her kids or her brothers or sisters, or any of her other extended family. Work Work Work. Amit is a stay at home dad, but he's been busy with taking care of toddlers until recently. His lifetime wish is to master painting and guitar, so I'm going to try to have him work on that during the day while everyone else is at school and work. Lilith has that same lifetime wish, and she's almost to level 10 in painting, and she's on level 8 in guitar. Ariel rolled a lifetime wish to become a Crossbreeder, but I don't think her traits are suited for a career in science so I didn't take it. Amit Jr. rolled a wish to become Master of the Arts, but I didn't take it because i've already done that with Lilith and Amit. It's one of those times in the game when it's just not fun... I'm ready for something exciting to happen.

Side note: I'm interested in creating a family tree of all the Rojo's. Does anybody know of anything on the web   that I can do this with?



Dee said...

If my sims had that "lanky" stage as they aged I would probably have panicked.

Love the ghost at the table. Poor girl just wants a vacation.

The kids are really cute.

Lilith, get out there and grab yourself a man.

I've never tried a real legacy. I can't stick with one family long enough. Since I have all these new "professions" to play with I may be able to go through a few generations, if my game doesn't mess up.

Raisin Hale said...

yeah this is the first legacy i've tried and it's getting hard! plus the game has gotten really slow, so that makes it kind of boring. i think the slowness has a lot to do with the lanky stage.

PiB - Nicarra said...

I think you've reached one of those times when a lot of people get bored with the whole legacy thing and just quit. It seems to happen to a lot of people around gen 3 or maybe 4. So keep with it, you are just at a tough stage.

Ariel is a very pretty girl post the lanky stage. And Amit is quite a nice looking boy.

Anonymous said...

Clayton is adorable!

When you least expect it is when something exciting will happen. Sometimes one generation just isn't as inspiring as another. You'll get there!